Committed to Transparency, Driven by Innovation

About Us

FAIR Health is an independent nonprofit that collects data for and manages the nation’s largest database of privately billed health insurance claims and is entrusted with Medicare Parts A, B and D claims data for 2013 to the present. We are known both for our commitment to transparency and for making actionable data available in innovative ways to all stakeholders in the healthcare community.

Created with the real-world needs of users in mind, our data products, tools and educational information support laws and regulations, catalyze business decisions, inform claims adjudication, fuel research, shape healthcare policy and meet the day-to-day cost-estimation needs of healthcare consumers.

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Mission and Origins

Mission and Origins

FAIR Health was established to bring transparency to healthcare costs and health insurance information. A conflict-free, nonprofit organization that qualifies as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, FAIR Health is charged with maintaining and making available trusted claims data resources that are used to promote sound decision making by all participants in the healthcare system.

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Board of Directors

Reflecting the healthcare community we serve, our Board of Directors comprises leaders in medicine, healthcare policy, law, consumer advocacy, health insurance, education, health systems research and business. Mindful of our mission, they provide expertise and guidance to support the development of our data assets and products and guide the evolution of FAIR Health as the healthcare environment changes. The Board serves without compensation and meets quarterly.

Robert Parke (Chair)

Robert Parke, FIA, ASA, MAAA, is a healthcare actuary. Prior to retiring as a consulting actuary, he was a principal with the New York office of Milliman.

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Phyllis C. Borzi

Phyllis C. Borzi, JD, MA, retired as the US Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) in 2017. She is currently a member of the Board of Visitors of the Columbus School of Law at Catholic University and also represents retirees as a fiduciary on the committee governing the Goodyear Retiree Health Care Trust. She serves on the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard Board of Advisors and the Board of Maryland$aves (the Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings Plan) and is a charter member and former President of the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel, serving on its Board of Governors from 2000 to 2008.

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Zachary W. Carter

Zachary W. Carter retired in 2019 as Corporation Counsel of New York City. During his tenure, he resolved long-standing litigation, ushering in a new era of equity and justice for the city. Memorable settlements range from the overuse of stop and frisk and the Central Park Five case to excessive uses of force at Rikers Island and the underrepresentation of racial minorities in the ranks of the Fire Department of the City of New York.

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Lawrence Casalino

Lawrence Casalino, MD, PhD, is the Livingston Farrand Professor of Public Health and Chief of the Division of Health Policy and Economics in the Weill Cornell Medical School Department of Population Health Sciences. His research focuses on the intended and unintended effects of public and private policies on the types of provider organization that exist, on the processes they use to provide care, and on the quality and cost of care.

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Christopher F. Koller

Christopher F. Koller is President of the Milbank Memorial Fund, an endowed operating foundation founded in 1905 and based in New York City. The Fund’s mission is to improve population health and health equity by collaborating with leaders and decision makers and connecting with evidence and sound experience.

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James W. Lytle

James W. Lytle recently retired after over 25 years as a partner and senior counsel at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP, where he operated out of the firm’s Albany and Boston offices and led the firm’s New York State government, regulatory and policy practice.

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James Roosevelt, Jr.

James Roosevelt, Jr., is Counsel at Verrill Dana LLP in Boston. He served for more than 10 years as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Tufts Health Plan. A former Board member of America’s Health Insurance Plans, he currently chairs the organization’s Policy and Regulatory Committee.

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Christina Severin

Christina Severin is a leading healthcare executive with more than 25 years of experience and numerous accomplishments in managed care, delivery systems, health insurance, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), quality, public policy and public health.

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Grace Wong

Grace Wong is the Principal of GYW Consulting, Inc., which provides healthcare consulting services to hospital systems, digital health start-ups, Accountable Care Organizations and others.

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Executive Management Team

The FAIR Health management team has extensive knowledge and experience in healthcare policy, information technology, data management, insurance, finance and law. They apply their collective talents and expertise to the organization’s primary goals: bringing fairness and transparency to healthcare cost information, and making that information available in products and tools that simplify its use and maximize its value for as many stakeholders as possible.

Academic Advisory Board

Representing diverse areas of the healthcare research community, FAIR Health’s Academic Advisory Board enhances FAIR Health’s mission to contribute to public knowledge. The Advisory Board advances the research potential of our data, which both support the work of academics, policy makers and clinical researchers and form the basis of our own widely disseminated studies. Among the activities of the Advisory Board are identifying potential areas of exploration for FAIR Health’s white papers and reviewing the studies prior to release.

Gilbert Gonzales, MHA, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Health and Society; the Program for Public Policy Studies; and the Department of Health Policy
Vanderbilt University

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Ateev Mehrotra, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Department of Health Care Policy
Harvard Medical School

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Chima Ndumele, MPH, PhD
Associate Professor of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management
Associate Professor, Institution for Social and Policy Studies
Yale University

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Arrianna Marie Planey, MA, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management
Fellow, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

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Official Data Source

Official Data Source

FAIR Health’s rich data repository and independence make us a valued resource for federal and state government agencies seeking reliable, objective data. The data serve a variety of purposes, from evaluating utilization and economic studies to clinical analyses and population health research. Governmental uses of FAIR Health data include support of policy making, legislative initiatives, healthcare research, public health, insurance regulation, dispute resolution and consumer education. Our data are incorporated into statutes and regulations around the country and serve as the official data source for many state health programs.

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Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership

We employ our data—and apply our experience—to advance national conversations on cost transparency, consumer engagement and health insurance literacy, clinical issues, health system reform and more. FAIR Health conducts surveys and publishes original articles, white papers, data briefs, infographics and analyses that feature findings from our database, many of which appear in prominent industry publications and media outlets.

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Grant-Funded Initiatives

Grant-Funded Initiatives

In keeping with our mission of bringing transparency to healthcare costs and insurance information, FAIR Health partners with prominent national and regional philanthropic organizations on programs designed to improve health insurance literacy and decision making, and to promote groundbreaking research.

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