Opioid Tracker
The heat map in this section represents opioid abuse and dependence claim lines as a percentage of all medical claim lines in 2022 for each state. Clicking on a state displays an infographic for that state. The infographic includes the top five procedure codes by utilization for opioid abuse and dependence, the top five procedure codes by aggregate allowed amounts for opioid abuse and dependence, the change in opioid abuse and dependence claim lines as a percentage of all medical claim lines from 2018 to 2022, and diagnoses of opioid abuse and dependence by age and gender. There is also a similar infographic for the nation as a whole. The source of the data is FAIR Health’s National Private Insurance Claims (FH NPIC®) repository.
The darkest states in this heat map are those where opioid abuse and dependence claim lines as a percentage of all medical claim lines in 2022 were highest. Click on a state to see an infographic for that state.