Consumer Resources

Customized Consumer Web Tools

Offering the same features and educational content as our FAIR Health Consumer website and FH® Consumer Classroom mobile app, the private-label version can be licensed by your organization for member or employee use and customized with your corporate name, brand and color palette.

Inform Health Insurance Selection through a Private-Label Website

Narrow networks. High-deductible health plans. Flexible Spending Accounts. New venues of care. In a healthcare system that is becoming increasingly complex, individuals are being asked to assume greater responsibility for managing their health insurance coverage. A decision can have significant consequences in terms of both cost and care.

By licensing a customized, private-label version of our FAIR Health Consumer website or FH Consumer Classroom mobile app in English and Spanish, you can provide your members and employees with easy access to procedure-specific cost data that will help them predict and plan for their costs, understand cost implications of receiving care in network versus out of network, discuss cost of care with their providers and more. Our educational content includes FH® Insurance Basics, which shed light on important aspects of health coverage by, for example, explaining the differences in plan types, outlining the differences between venues of care and when to use them, and offering tips for understanding Explanations of Benefits (EOBs) and bills.

Learn more and speak to a FAIR Health representative today.

Making these resources available to members and employees in turn produces a number of benefits for your organization, including educating individuals to make informed healthcare decisions, and possibly encouraging the use of network providers, minimizing claims appeals, reducing questions to benefits staff and customer service representatives and improving satisfaction with your plan.

You can license a private-label version of FAIR Health Consumer customized with your own branding and your organization’s color palette and “look and feel.” You also can choose to license FAIR Health’s educational materials and link to our data through an API for use in your own plan’s member portal.

Learn more and speak to a FAIR Health representative today.